Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Eclectic Blue Chandelier

You know when you get so busy working on a project and you just wanna finish it, and everything else you should be doing takes a back seat? Well this chandelier has been such a project. I think my car has suffered the most. My 4 kids have really taken a toll on it and mom has not been keeping up on it. So much that this morning I found two lost dogs in the street on my way to the Home Depot (of course). But luckily they had an address on their collar so I put them in the back of my Expedition and headed to their home. Their "mommy" opened the door decked to the nines...a beautiful, tall, blonde, very well dressed and put-together woman. When I opened the back of my car to get her "babies" they were enjoying snacks left by my kids. She said (with thinly veiled horror) "I'm sorry, it looks like they're eating your (pause and gasp) french....fries." They were spilled all over the back of the car by one of my kids, who and when I have no clue. My guess is her car doesn't contain any fries. Lucky dogs, a rescue and a snack.

But to the point of my blog, my newest project, which I call my new Eclectic Blue chandelier.....


I used to have a West Elm chandelier hanging over the table that I liked, but it just kind of blended into the walls:

I love love love fabric and am always trying to find new ways to use it. I especially am fond of Amy Butler fabric which I used on this project. I also love wood barrel chandeliers, but I don't love their price tags. Like this gorgeous chandelier from Lamps Plus which is over $1300:

So I used this piece as my inspiration and went to work. I cut, glued, nailed and screwed wood:

Can you see that Diet Coke can in the picture? I am kind of addicted to it so it is part of the building process like any other tool.  Yummmm Diet Coke. Then I assembled, screwed together some more, painted, sanded, painted, sanded and painted again.

See that little hand in the painted picture? That is not a helping tool, that is a hindering tool. The kind of tool that likes to touch things when they are wet. But it is attached to a super cute little girl so it's ok.

Then I wired the whole chandelier....and it worked!! And then I cut out a lot of fabric, ironed it to super stiff interfacing, cut ribbon, ironed it to two-sided tape, and ironed it to the fabric. And then I hot-glued it to my frame. And then I asked my super helpful husband to help me hang it. And, voila! Here are some more pics:

I will add some tutorials about how I made this chandelier later this week. Now I've got to go get back to my real life projects, starting with that car. We don't want the dogs to escape to my house again looking for another snack.


  1. The fries in the car! Couldn't stop laughing. I love you and your life and this chandelier. You amaze me!

  2. You are unreal!! When you explained this project to me, I had no idea the genius it would entail to pull it off. Your creativity combined with your made skills with a saw are a lethal design combo. I love it!!!!
    The dog and fries is a classic story. You are one do gooder who didn't just have hyper focus on your way to your happy place (home Depot) but returned some doggies to their Mama. What a woman!

  3. What?! You MADE that? Seriously Jen, can I just hire you to come here? That is totally above and beyond DIY. I bet they love you at the Home Deep-doh.

    1. Yes we have graduated at the Home Depot from "How are you today?" to "How are YOU today?" with that look of recognition in their eyes. The look that says, "Get a life, you're here way too much!" You don't have to hire me, I'd come there anytime. XOXO

  4. Wow! That is an amazing piece of work. Saw you at CWTS and had to come pin.

    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!
    Wildly Original linky party every Wednesday.
