Tuesday, February 5, 2013

OK. Here it goes. I am officially jumping head first into the world of blogging.

This is me, I'm Jen. These are my kids.

My life, like many stay-at-home moms (or blogspeak SAHM?), can be crazy. I have a husband, 4 kids, and we own our own business that I help run. We moved from our home state (Arizona) to a new state (Texas) and bought a house. Not just any house, but a foreclosed upon, relatively cheap and sad house in a great neighborhood. A house that had carpets that were used as litter boxes. For years. A house which hadn't had water turned on the landscaping for over a year. A very sad house indeed.

Sad, but lots of potential. I love renovating houses and have done major renovation projects in (almost) every home I've ever owned. So after winning this house with the highest bid on an ebay-like auction site, enduring three months of trying to close a house with a bank case manager in India (Sayeed something), and having only two weeks of renovating time before we had to move into it, life was chaotic. But the start of a new adventure.

A midst the chaos, I find time to indulge in my favorite activity. House projects. Renovating projects. Decorating projects. This is what I do when I don't have other stuff to do (and even sometimes when I do have other stuff to do that I am actively procrastinating). This is what I lay awake in bed at night thinking about. Projects. This is the outlet that keeps me sane. Which is why I've named my blog Decor Sanity. Because without it, I would definitely lose it. Well, more often anyway. So I hope you enjoy this new little blog project. And by you I mean the very small group of friends and family that I harass into reading this. :-)

1 comment:

  1. You're going to be great at this! It's right up your alley! I'm looking forward to all that project inspiration!
