You know when you see one of those creepy portraits that looks like they are looking right at you? And when you move a little to the right or left, it seems to follow you and still be looking at you? This is how I felt about this window. When I would walk to the right of the house and look at the window, it was still staring at me.
And when I would walk to the left of the house...
I thought about removing it (expensive) or changing it (expensive) or changing it's shape. Although the architecture of the house definitely doesn't stick to one particular style, it has a bit of a Spanish/Mediterranean feel. So I decided I wanted to change it's shape to a clover-like pointy shape thingy you see on other Spanish and/or Mediterranean houses. But what was that clover-like pointy shape thingy called? How could I find one if I didn't know what it was? So I did a little research, and low and behold, it's a QUATREFOIL. Kinda like this baby on this beautiful home:
And once I knew what it was, I started seeing it everywhere...houses, mirrors, fabric, in the City of San Antonio logo...and started to look for a foam quatrefoil to cover my cyclops window. I found a foam manufuacturer in town that knew exactly what I was talking about! and had many in stock! and sold me this bad boy...
New door, lights, grass, trees, bushes, driveway, house number sign, sidewalk squares, trellis (still working on that one)...