Friday, January 10, 2014

Day One of the Big Remodel

We have begun to work on the bathrooms as "Phase 1" of the bathrooms/kitchen remodel and I am very excited to get going on this project. My kids are another story. They walked into the house after school with debris everywhere and work-peeps walking about, and were not happy to see their house torn apart. I heard a few, "I can't live like this!" comments. Boy, they have no idea what's about to hit them! I guess they just like things they way they are. Should-a had a different mommy, then I suppose....cause this stuff is about to go crazy town!

In the morning, my plain little simple half bath looked like this...

I know, not super attractive, but it does look better when we bought the place:

Yikes! Yes, that is super fabulous silver/gray faux paint. And yes, the former owners stripped the light fixtures from the house.

There was also an archway with a little hallway to the bathroom, and a small under-the-stairs closet to the left.

You can see the outside of the arch to the hall/closet/bathroom in this next picture:

And by the afternoon, the hall in front of it and the former butlers' pantry behind it were all exposed. No more arch! No more closet! No more bathroom! Just lots of holes and pipes.

Instead of the arch going into the hallway, there is a new door that will go into the new half bath.

And on the kitchen side of the wall, the arch that used to exist to the old butlers' pantry seen here:

 Is all filled in now.

And around the corner and to the left, there is a teeny-tiny wall that now has a 24" door in it to go into the new full bathroom:

 And while I was managing all of this my 4-year-old daughter took a picture of my 7-year-old son and they put it on Instragram, with a filter and everything. Little genius poopers!

I suppose if my kids can creatively occupy themselves while everything is going awry, they'll be just fine. Unless you see a post from me in the future titled "Day 293 of the Big Remodel", then you can certainly expect some sorta mutiny at my house. Well, I'll just make sure and hide my phone with the Instagram account if that happens. :-)


  1. Bring it on! I think I can guess who made that "I can't live like this!" ultimatum. Tell them I'll adopt them temporarily if they want to wait it out here.

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